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For leading an aggression war on a sovereign country upon the sole arbitrary and never justified assumption that it was a threat for peace and security of both the United States of America and the world,

For basing his war policy on lies, hypocrisy and demagogism, for being a liar both to the people who elected him and to the rest of the world by faking proofs of the aforementioned threat,

For violating the supreme juridiction of the Organization of the United Nations of which the United States of America admitted the rules, of which they are member and to the decisions of which they should conform,

For insulting God's Name in an attempt to keep Him in a stronghold of justification for actions against the so-called "Axis of Evil", for associating a divine duty to a war of aggression policy, for claiming "God is by our side", "God is with us",

Americans, your president and his administration ashame your flag.

Where is the Land of the Brave, the Land of the Free ?

Has it become a land of wussies living in fear since September 11th 2001, faithfully believing everything a masochist leader would tell them ? Europe people dare to hope not !

In Europe, where our elders actually experienced war and dictatorship in our own homeland, in our very villages, and NOT behind the convenient side of the gun nor just by sitting in front of their TV,
people have the right not to forget, and do use this right.

"God with us".



God bless America.

Pierre-Marie Baty