Some links worth the look:
- Our association Bots United... see for yourself !
About bots:
- botman's pages, author of the HPB Bot and various projects related to Half-Life
- Johannes Lampel's JoeBot, an impressive AI partly based on neural networks
- Stefan Hendriks's RealBot, a very popular bot for Counter-Strike
- The CGF pages by William van der Sterren, enormous amount of info about AI and bots
- Markus Klinge's POD Bot, a bot which used to be extemely popular (Counter-Strike)
- Tobias Heimann's Parabot, a masterpiece of design, dedicated to Deathmatch
- Alistair Stewart's TEAMbot, another bot for Counter-Strike
- Unreal Gamebots, students using the Unreal game engine for their works on AI
Tactical navigation in debug mode

About AI in general:
- The Israeli project A-i, aiming at creating a new form of life
- Web site for MegaHAL, the first chatter bot using Markov models
- Terry Winograd once created SHRDLU, the only working AI ever, at the MIT in 1970
About tactical AI: (most of these links come from William's CGF-AI pages)
- Terrain Analysis for Realtime Strategy Games, Dave Pottinger, 2000
- The Basics of Team AI, C. Gibson, J. O'Brien, Red Storm Entertainment, 2001
- How qualitative spatial reasoning can improve strategy game AIs, F, M, D, 2001
- The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Computer Game Industry, Lars Lidén, 2001
- Terrain Reasoning for 3D Action Games, William van der Sterren, 2001
- AI for Tactical Grenade Handling, William van der Sterren, 2000
- It knows what you're going to do: Adding anticipation to a Quakebot, J.E. Laird, 2000
- The Quake III Arena Bot, J. P. van Waveren, Delft University of Technology, 2001
- Game Design, Game AI, and, sadly, reality, Doug Church, 2001
How ungrateful...

About video games:
- Planet Half-Life: infos, resources, downloads, MODs and a lot of things...
- Official site for Counter-Strike: infos, resources and downloads
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, will it ever come out one day ?
- Half-Life Source, infos, news, forums covering Half-Life & the upcoming HL2
- Download this hilarious MOD Rocket Crowbar, french version translated by me
- Official site for the Rocket Crowbar, by Laser and NinjaX9
Miscellaneous topics:
- My rant of the year, which is very likely to be the rant of next year as well
- A little essay about Darwinism, interesting curiousity, not to be missed >:)
- My collection of smilies, you know, those horrible tiny yellow bugs...
- The OpenBSD project page, best operating system in the world
- The pages, against browser-based segregation on the Internet
- This site explains quite well the Open Content philosophy, interesting and didactic
- The indispensable Google, best search engine of the Internet

Carabine Colt M4A1